
来源:www.xysxzl.com时间:2020-12-23 10:05



林立丰 BUMBLEBEE英语课堂 今天。





1 China Daily。

Mainland suspends individual tours to Taiwan from 47 cities starting August 1。

2 Reuters

China to halt individual Taiwan tourism permits for 47 mainland cities。

Night view of Taipei 101. [Photo/VCG]。

Independent travel to Taiwan will be suspended from Thursday, given current cross-Straits relations, according to a Ministry of Culture and Tourism statement on Wednesday.。

The so-called self-guided travel(自由行) to Taiwan has been trialled since June 2011.。

Under the terms of the program, mainland residents in 47 cities including Beijing, Shanghai and Xiamen in Fujian province can apply for individual entry permits to Taiwan.。

BEIJING (Reuters) - China will stop issuing individual travel permits for Taiwan to people in 47 mainland cities from Aug. 1, its culture and tourism ministry said on Wednesday, citing the state of ties with the self-ruled island, but gave no details.。

Only travelers from 47 cities, such as Beijing, Shanghai and Xiamen, were allowed to visit Taiwan independently.Mainland travelers with permits issued before Aug. 1 can follow their original plan, but after that, tourists can only go in groups, said China International Travel Service (CITS), a major mainland tour operator.。

“We’re aware of the suspension,” said another operator, Shanghai Spring International Travel Service. “Today is the last day to apply for the permit as individuals.”。

The ban on independent travel came amid a rebound in mainland tourists to Taiwan, who numbered 1.67 million in the first half, up 28% from a year earlier, official data shows.。

Last year, 2.69 million mainland tourists visited the island, a drop of 1% from a year earlier and a decline of 35% from the peak in 2015, data from Taiwan’s Tourism Bureau shows.。

In Wenzhou, one of the affected cities, a female traveler surnamed Yang was annoyed over the ban, as her permit expires in August.。

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