
来源:www.xysxzl.com时间:2021-03-20 12:30


Maya Kamath, lives in Russia (2018-present)。




I traveled via Kazakhstan and the fellow traveler companions I got throughout my journey were so helpful. Starting from Delhi airport, the guy who checked in my luggage was so polite, nice, and well-mannered person. The Delhi to Kasakthan flight was not that challenging but Kazakhstan to Russia was really very tough. I didn’t know the language but the guy next to me knew English and helped me throughout my journey. Look, most Indians are pure vegetarian, and those who are nonvegetarians eat eggs, chicken, meat, and fish. Many few in India eat beef or pork. I am a pure vegetarian and the flight attendants served beef to everyone so this guy helped me by communicating with the flight attendant for a pure vegetarian meal.。



After reaching the destination country I booked a cab at the airport for myself. It was 9 at night, The cab driver was so friendly he could speak a little bit of English. And he kept telling me about the country and people over there. Look for anyone traveling in a foreign country for the first time, the first impression of the citizens of that country matter. And this impression of my flight companion and cab driver helped me to figure out how this country is going to be for me.。

I stayed in a hostel for somedays and then found myself a flat for rent. My flat owner is such a nice person, he never complains about anything and if I call him for any problem he comes for help. Even my neighbors are such friendly people. People in the building always talk to me whenever we meet in the lift or the park. They love knowing about me and my country.。





One last thing I would like to add to my answer, The International Women's Day that is March 8 is celebrated like one of the biggest trends in Russia. I have never seen so much chaos on Women’s day in any other country like Russia. All the men make sure that this day is special for every woman in their life. This is one of the best things in Russia.。

I guess my answer explains enough about the safety of women solo travelers in Russia.。




Mihir Soneji, works at AIESEC。

I have been there thrice, most of the people I have found really hospitable and friendly, in cities like Moscow SPB and few more, you can find some young people speaking English, specially who study in Uni or some one between 20 to 35, yeah if you try to speak with someone over 45 then there are less chance.。



Apart from that, avoid many crap articles from the west about Russia, Winter is really tough there if you are from warm place so be ready, food and accomodation is expensive and transportation too, in center part of Moscow or SPB it's not dangerous, only you could find some drunk people or some crazy youngsters(which you can find in London and Berlin as well) Police are corrupt but main problem is language, hardly some of them speaks English. In Moscow City center there are many nice restaurants and Bar, there are tour groups and also you can find lots of social activities, one of those is Anti boring Friday, find it in FB and maybe you will meet some nice people there.。



Apart from that I didn't saw any racism there though I'm not a white European guy, but yeah you can find many articles online telling many crap.。

Just visit there, It's really different place and different experience. But you'll like it.。

Wish you have nice time in Russia.。





Greg Easter, Lived in Russia from 2007 to 2017.。

There are too many variables in your question. There are parts of Russia that are not safe for anyone alone, including a black belt martial artist armed with a gun. Second, do you speak Russian? What sort of places do you plan to visit? You can have serious problems if you don't know the laws. Do you plan to rent a car? Now you have opened up another whole Pandora's Box of potential serious problems. So instead you plan to use public transportation? Once again, good luck without being with someone who knows their way around. I tell you this as someone who has lived in Russia for many years. You can easily get lost and as soon as you reveal you speak English and not Russian, you can attract some very wrong attention to yourself if you happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.。




Fyodor Ivanischev, Lived for 24 years in Russia. Also traveled around the world so I can compare。

It is safe if you travel during the day and in good areas. If you don't know Russian and you get robbed by just from drunk, depressed people (which might happen almost anywhere outside cultural areas), then the police will probably not help you much.。

If you come from US you might also experience some bulling from poorly educated people.。

Conclusion: do that only with proper planning, survival/running skills, language knowledge and, ideally.。





Roman Trusov, Russian。

It really depends on the place where you headed and the place where you stay.。

As I see Moscow and SPb in the topics, I'll focus on them. As in all big cities, there are certain places where you shouldn't go alone in the night. But as long as you stay in the center and don't go to strange bars you are pretty safe there.。





Arslan Aliev, Freelancer。

The safety of a girl in any civilized country is inversely proportional to her sexual attractiveness and distance from five-star hotels. For foreigners, it is directly proportional to knowledge of the language and local infrastructure. Draw conclusions yourself from your situation.。



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