
来源:www.xysxzl.com时间:2021-03-06 10:12



Thinking about overseas but concerned you might make a less-than-worthy choice because you can't afford to visit all the places on your wish list before you make your final decision?。


How? By thinking out of the box when it comes to where you stay. Here are six suggestions for getting your accommodation for free or next-to-nothing.。


1. Couchsurfing.

1: 沙发客

T o learn more, seewww.couchsurfing.org. This network of kind souls around the world agree to offer an extra bedroom, couch, or corner of the floor to travelers in exchange for the same kindness when they visit your town.。


2. Houseswapping.。

2. 换房旅游

As implied, this scheme involves trading homes for an agreed-upon amount of time. It works best if your home is in a locale someone wants to visit. And if your dates coincide. There are many websites to use to hook up with fellow swappers.。


3. Caretaking/Housesitting.。


Now things start to get interesting. Because the obligation here isn't to share your own digs but to tend to someone else's. If you're up for watering plants, scratching the kitties behind the ears now and then, and generally doing what needs to be done around the house, then you stay for free. Learn more and start your search for a caretaking gig andwww.caretaker.org.。


4. Staying in Convents or Monasteries.。

4. 入住修道院

Even though the only thing holy about us is our socks, we love this idea. A book called 'Good Night & God Bless,' by Australian Trish Clark, explains how to find inexpensive, clean, safe and well-located accommodation in the convents and monasteries of Europe. Learn more .。


Convents and monasteries often charge a stipend... and not all of them are low-budget. If, though, you're willing to offer your services and do some work in exchange, the 'powers that be' may be willing to cover your keep. You'll find listing of worldwide monasteries .。


If it's a totally free stay you're after, you'll have the best luck at Buddhist monasteries, which traditionally don't charge for accommodation. Many, though, limit first-time visitors to one week and reservations are required. You're also required to participate in community life (no coming and going as you please) so don't think of this as a hotel stay but as a 'working vacation.'。


5. Renting Rooms from Families.。

5. 住进本地人家里

This may be the very best way to immerse yourself in the local language, culture, and customs. Homestays are often offered by language schools, but you needn't be enrolled in classes to take advantage of these low-cost local accommodations.。

How to find a room for let? Usually, it involves pounding the pavement once you've landed in a new locale. Ask locals--especially those with storefront businesses. They often live behind the shop and may have a room for rent.。


You can also check public bulletin boards and libraries, local newspaper classifieds, and inquire at language schools. And before you leave home, try searching in-country Craigslists and Internet forums, and e-mailing local language schools to ask for recommendations. The Warren Hardy Spanish School in Mexico's San Miguel de Allende, for example, posts a list of host families and rooms for rent。


6. Freeloading


otherwise known as 'staying with friends.' Living and traveling the world this past decade has earned us lots of friends hither and yon. And if you do, be sure to take advantage of that if you can.。


If you're not as fortunate, there's no reason you can't be. Find a pen pal at websites like Interpal (), PenPal World (), and International Pen Friends (). Then see what transpires. Be sure to exercise caution, though. Ask for photos, references, and anything else you need to feel comfortable. And always keep friends and family at home apprised of your travel plans.。

你可以问你的笔友要照片、可以问他几个推荐人,有很多网站可以认识笔友,如果你没有那么好的运气全世界的认识人,比如说(),(), (),保持联系看看如何,但一定要保持警惕,总之,让你觉得安全可靠的方式交往,当你出行时,要保持和家人以及朋友的联络。

If you're creative, you'll find lots of ways to travel on the cheap. Many safe, clean and comfortable accommodation options are out there... and not all of them are listed in guide books and on the Internet.。



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