
来源:www.xysxzl.com时间:2021-03-03 10:32


Too Much Tourism?。

Cities – particularly in Europe – are increasingly taking steps against tourists.。




塔勒布·瑞法依(Taleb Rifai)是联合国世界旅游组织的秘书长,他最近在伦敦的世界旅游博览会上对各国旅游部长做了发言,他说,“游客回家去”和“游客是恐怖分子”这类口号的兴起“敲响了警钟,”。

Anger about tourism could continue to grow as more people travel every year. The UNWTO estimates tourists will take 1.8 billion trips by 2030, up from 1.2 billion in 2016.。


Low-cost airline tickets are helping fuel the growth in tourism numbers, along with increasing travel from China.。


Yet many places depend on tourism for jobs and wealth. Around 10 percent of the world's gross domestic product, or GDP, comes from tourism.。


Taleb Rifai said that growth is not 'the enemy.' But, he said tourism must be made 'sustainable and responsible' to help local communities.。


What are countries and cities doing to limit tourism?。


Ecuador permits only 100,000 visitors to the Galapagos Islands each year. The Croatian city of Dubrovnik is considering permitting only 4,000 visitors daily. Visitors have flooded the Adriatic Sea town since it was used as a setting for the television series “Game of Thrones.”。


Other cities are urging tourists to visit less famous parts of town. Prague, for example, has an 'off the beaten track' tourist program. London is promoting neighborhoods such as Greenwich and Richmond.。


Barcelona has cracked down on unofficial housing rentals and established a tourism council that includes residents, businesses, and unions.。


Is there a solution?。


Gloria Guevara is the president and CEO of the London-based World Travel & Tourism Council. “There is no one solution for all. Every destination is different,” she said.。

格洛里亚·格瓦拉(Gloria Guevara)是总部设在伦敦的世界旅游业理事会的总裁和首席执行官,她说:“没有统一的解决方案,每个旅游目的地的方案都有所不同,”。

Tim Fairhurst leads planning and policy at the European Tourism Association. He said businesses do not want to put their customers in places where they are treated as unwelcome. He said simple measures can make a difference, such as changing opening hours or increasing parking space.。

他说,他说,蒂姆·费尔赫斯特(Tim Fairhurst)负责欧洲旅游协会的规划和政策,各旅游企业不希望将他们的客户带到不受欢迎的地方,一些简单的措施就能起到作用,例如改变开放时间或增加停车位。

“There are lots of ways in which we use our cities inefficiently,” he said, “We could do better.”。


I'm John Russell.。

Words in This Story。

tourist – n. a person who travels to a place for pleasure。

rental – n. chiefly US : something that can be rented。

slogan – n. a word or phrase that is easy to remember and is used by a group or business to attract attention。

off the beaten track – expression in or to a place that is not close to the places where people usually go。

promote – v. to help (something) happen, develop, or increase。

destination – n. a place to which a person is going or something is being sent。

inefficiently – adv. not capable of producing desired results without wasting materials, time, or energy: not efficient。

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