
来源:www.xysxzl.com时间:2021-02-27 10:14



Consider picking up 'The Great Gatsby' if you're going to The Hamptons in New York.。


Although the 'West Egg' and 'East Egg' in the classic novel more greatly resemble the Great-Neck and Port-Washington peninsulas on Long Island, F. Scott Fitzgerald is believed to have been inspired by The Hamptons when crafting this book.。



The book is set in South America. Amazon。


For an enhanced experience, read 'Where’d You Go Bernadette?' in Seattle, Washington.。


The book talks about some landmarks in Seattle. Amazon。

Maria Semple's novel, which has recently been adapted into a movie, is told in emails, transcripts, and stories. It follows Bee Branch trying to track down her agoraphobic architect mother Bernadette Fox.。


Set in Seattle, Washington, this hilarious yet heart-wrenching novel is a great companion as you visit landmarks mentioned in the book, such as the Space Needle's restaurant.。


agoraphobic[,?ɡ?r?'fob?k]: adj. 恐旷症的;恐惧陌生环境的。

'Call Me by Your Name' by André Aciman should perhaps be read in the summertime, in Italy.。


The novel is set in part of Italy. Amazon。

André Aciman's novel is said to take place in the Northern-Italian seaside region of Liguria. And if you've seen the 2017 coming-of-age film adaptation of the book, you'll already know the story depicts beautiful summers in Northern Italy, complete with seaside encounters and lush greenery.。


If you're visiting New York City, enter the mind of Holden Caulfield.。


The book mentions plenty of NYC landmarks. Penguin Books。

'The Catcher in the Rye' is a classic tale of a lost teenager's unplanned trip to New York City. In the JD-Salinger novel, Holden visits a nightclub in the East Village, goes ice skating in Rockefeller Center, and takes his sister to the Central Park Zoo.。


'Midnight's Children' is a fantastical novel that illuminates some of the histories of India.。


The book features plenty of magical elements. Amazon。

Salman Rushdie's story begins at midnight, on the night of India's independence, when the 1,001 children born that hour are found to possess magical powers. Featuring lush imagery and magical realism, the book is set during 20th-century India.。


It's a dystopian novel. Amazon。

'The Elegance of the Hedgehog' is excellent reading for a trip to Paris.。


The book is set in the center of Paris. Amazon。

Before sauntering down the Champs-élysées, open Muriel Barbery's novel for a delightful peek into the lives of wealthy Parisians. Set in an upscale French apartment building, the story follows two unlikely people who discover they are kindred souls.。


saunter['s?nt?]: vi. 闲逛;漫步。

upscale['?pske?l]: adj. 高消费阶层的,高档的。

kindred['k?ndr?d]: adj. 同类的;类似的,相关的。

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