爱尔兰假日旅游网是一个有关于在爱尔兰假日旅游的资讯网站,该网站是一个web2.0网站,以独特的模式来为用户提供爱尔兰新闻、突发新闻、国际新闻、提供新闻和爱尔兰天气、爱尔兰旅游报道等资讯,Tourism Ireland is the agency responsible for marketing the island of Ireland overseas as a holiday destinationTourism Ireland was established under the framework of the Belfast Agreement of Good Friday, April 1998 to increase tourism to the island of Ireland as a whole.We employ 160 people in key source markets, such as Great Britain, USA and Canada, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Denmark, Belgium, Italy, Spain, Austria, Switzerland and Australia. We also have offices on the island of Ireland, in Coleraine and Dublin – and have now extended our reach to include emerging tourist markets, such as Japan, South Africa, New Zealand, China, India, Poland, Asia and the Middle East – delivering targeted marketing programmes and work in close cooperation with travel trade, online operators, media, carriers and Irish industry partners.。
北京市卫健委 提醒,今日是国庆节假期最后一天,面临进返京高峰,出京旅行
“秋天的日子是半透明的 涂在金色的土地和田野上” 如果有一个季节,能让整
从靠山水到卖场景 从卖特产到拼创意 乡村旅游越来越好玩 “采摘”“收割”“
旅游出行方式的简单比较 出游 方式 项目 比较 特点 优点 局限性 适合人群 适合
从北京海淀出发,自驾140公里左右,就可以看到另外一番天地。 这里是高山草
我们都是时间的旅行者, 为了寻找生命中的光。 终其一生,行走在漫长的旅途
原标题:三月赏花游 户外踏青走起 文、图/广州日报全媒体记者罗磊 通讯员柳